Alice@Mediopolis for KONE

One of my favorite architecture photography commissions this year was to shoot KONE’s installations in the new, super modern ALICE@Mediopolis building in Singapore. KONE installed a series of smart turnsiles and elevators to ensure optimized and secure movement throughout the building with tenants easily accessing the building and their respective levels with their smart phones.

The scope of the project was to photograph the features that had been installed in the context of the building, human flow, and the building in the wider context of the neighbourhood.

Nikon Singapore was kind of enough to loan me the PC NIKKOR 19mm f/4E ED lens to try out for the shoot. The lens was amazing. It’s an absolute pain to use, and it’s manual focus only, and considering the price and very limited use, it’s not something anyone other than professional architecture photographers should really considering investing in. However, the extra bit of work lining up and focusing each shot resulted the such amazing files to work with to finish the job on the computer.